It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. First, tell us about your business, location(s) and hours.
  2. Next, tell us if you have any photos or videos.
  3. Lastly, a specialist will make sure your information is accurate on Google maps, Apple Maps and other map sites. All you need to do is get ready for increased web and foot traffic.


At Peak XV Marketing we claim your business listing for you on major sites like Google and Apple Maps ensuring your information is accurate. We offer local business listings packages as a standalone or combined to enhance your local digital coverage reaching customers no matter where they are online.

Local Listing package includes:

Business Listing content optimization
Distribution to Google, Apple, Yahoo, Yext and more
Access to reports

Local Listings + Google Paid Search Ads + Social + Website

Local listings/maps
Paid Search
Mobile optimized website


Call (317) 762-9691 to learn more